Viva mexico flag
Mexico City’s main square is filled with revelers in tequila-colored dresses and hats, viva mexico flag while chanting “viva mexico.” It’s Independence Day, commemorating the start of a revolution that led to independence from Spain in 1821. And while the country’s economy has slowed in recent years, public opinion polls indicate that most Mexicans feel a sense of national pride.
Thousands of people jam the Zocalo, the sprawling public square in front of Mexico’s National Palace. Many wear oversized sombreros and mustaches, a raucous nod to the revolutionaries who founded the nation, starting with priest Miguel Hidalgo’s call to rise up against colonial Spain on the night of September 16 in the town of Dolores.
Viva Mexico Flag: Celebrating Mexican Independence and Heritage
In the center of the green-white-red Mexican flag is an eagle with its claws clutching a snake, a symbolic image of the Aztec empire that once ruled the area that is now Mexico City. The central emblem has been adapted to reflect different political philosophies over the centuries.
For example, the eagle was originally meant to stand for freedom and liberty. Later it came to symbolize adherence to Roman Catholicism. And more recently, when the president commissioned giant Mexican flags to hang above important historic sites, they were designed as the eagle’s wings open to spread its power and influence. But, he says, the eagle’s image on the flag also symbolizes the nation’s strength and resilience. In fact, he adds, the country has survived the war of independence that ravaged its economy and left more than half-a-million dead.